• S.S. 7 Appia, Km 637
    74016 Massafra (TA) Italy

Valves bench

Certified Company ISO 9001-2008

Valves Bench

Design and construction of manifold assemblies for heavy industry complete of carpentry cupboard and electronic control systems. The whole process of realization of the manifold assembly it is inside to the group it RIMA; from the planning to the realization of the block in CNC work centers.

Every phase of the production is attentively followed by the our qualified personnel to respect the most elevated std. of quality: the certification UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 are the test of it. The division dedicated to the assembly of the valve blocks follows the same installation process expected to Bosch Rexroth. The qualified welders ensure the realization of the interconnections where necessary.

After the process, the assembly is wired and tested at our testing room and finally certified.


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